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After exploring Kanye West as a person and as a creator, Yeezianity is an interpretation of a person/group of persons believing Kanye really is the new messiah and they have created their own religion and the 'Church of Yeezus'  with the tag line "The Best Church of All Time!!!". The group, who have their own website, is followed mostly by anonymous individuals who, in order to join the religion, need to take a picture which says "I believe in Yeezus" and post it on social media. Whether or not Kanye had anything to do with this groups formation or how he feels about it is undetermined. Kanye has created a movement within his work and clearly many people admire him for that and believe he is of a special nature.

This Church of Yeezus has 5 Pillars of their religion which are:

1. All things created must be for the good of All

2. No human being’s right to express themselves must ever be repressed

3. Money is unnecessary except as a means of exchange

4. Man possesses the power to create everything he wants and needs

5. All human suffering exists to stimulate the creative powers of Man


All of these pillars are connected to how Kanye expresses himself both through his music and through his lifestyle. He believes his music is provocative and is changing the world, that he is the biggest thing since Michael (lyric from I am a God). He is a huge believer in freedom of speech, as I previously pointed out with his tendentious point of view and the need to express it regardless of how inappropriate it may seem to others. Kanye West is reportedly worth 130 million dollars, but copious interviews show how he wants to use his money to aid in his creative works such as wanting to debut in fashion (he has recently teamed up with Adidas in creating a shoe, and also had a line of clothing created). Kanye is passionate about being original, concentrating on the perfection of his music and appearance, he believes he is super powerful. Kanye is very opposed to suffering and is known to get upset easily about issues which strike him as unnecessary suffering or inequality.

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